The Big Scoop on Micro-lot Premium Coffees
A micro-lot is a very small lot (usually about 40 bags) from a single farm that has been deliberately set aside from other coffee because of its premium beans, which translates to premium flavor, aroma, and taste. The coffees are unique, seasonal, and fully traceable (some with a compelling story to tell). Available only in small quantities, these coffees cost more than regular specialty coffee. But it’s worth it. We pay the growers directly, which encourages them to continue producing great coffee. At the end of the day, we are in this business to roast and enjoy exceptional coffee.
We proudly offered these of our micro-lot coffees to the Koffee Kult suite of premium coffee selections:
- La Florida Menandro, Land of Diversity winner, from Colombia
- Geisha, Granja La Esperanza from Buenos Aires (sold only in 100grams)
- Finca El Cedral, Cooperativa de Caficultores de Dota, R.L. (Coopedota), from Costa Rica
- Comsa Certified Fair Trade, Shade Grown, from Honduras
All of them are a limited release, and some are already gone. If you’re a coffee enthusiast, we highly recommend your trying these amazing coffees while you can.