Caffeine vs. Coffee Brew Style

Everyone is searching for it, the most caffeinated cup of coffee for that shot of energy you cannot find anywhere else. Well, the premium coffee experts here at Koffee Kult are here to help breakdown what exactly effects the caffeine content in every cup of coffee.
Of course, it all begins with the bean. The high-quality Arabica beans we sell produce a better cup of coffee than Robusta beans. Although some may consider Robusta to have a higher caffeine content, but it will not be a quality cup of coffee and an energy rush you can work with. We recommend our super-dark, French roasted Koffee Kult Thunderbolt coffee beans. When you’re looking for the world’s strongest, high-quality coffee beans, look no further than Thunderbolt.
Now that you have the strongest bean, how do you hone in on all that caffeine within the bean during coffee brewing? After all, the caffeine content comes down to exactly how you brew the beans.
Zeroing in on that much wanted caffeine content begins with how finely grinded the beans are, brewing time, water temperature, and beverage size. For the sake of comparison, we will say the beans are grinded as finely as they would be at a top-rated coffee house, typical size cup and brewing time for each method, as well as the typical tongue-burning temperature when you are served your cup of hot brew.
- We will begin with drip coffee brewing using the Chemex Coffee Brewer. This method will give you 30 ounces with about 80 mgs of caffeine packed into an 8-ounce cup of coffee.
- Considering the same factors, a shot of espresso is 1-ounce. That one shot produces about fifty mgs of caffeine.
- Another common brew process is the French Press. Due to the longer steeping time of the coffee during this process, a higher concentration of caffeine is produced. 32 ounces is the typical amount of coffee produced (about 8 cups of coffee – 4 ounces in each cup.) Packed into each of the 4 ounces is about 100 milligrams of caffeine.
- Aeropress, a method often compared to the French Press, produces about 6 ounces of coffee in every cup. In those six ounces, it is estimated that the Aeropress produces about 110 mgs of caffeine per cup.
- A typical coffee maker will be our last comparison. When using your typical home brewer, each cup of coffee will contain about 60 mgs per 8 ounces.
Summary in comparison:
Drip – 95 mgs per 8 ounces
Espresso – 64 mgs per 1 ounce – 512 mgs per 8 ounces
French Press – 100 mgs per 4 ounces – 200 mgs per 8 ounces
Aeropress – 110 mgs per 6 ounces – 130 mgs per 8 ounces
Coffee Maker – 60 mgs per 8 ounces
Solely talking about caffeine concentration, a couple shots of espresso are the way to go. If you’re looking to enjoy a typically regular size cup of coffee with the highest concentration, then you must use the French press. Although this brewing style takes longer to make, the caffeine will be worth it.
For more information about how we roast are coffee, different roast styles, or to buy more coffee, visit our website.