Koffee Kult Customer Profile: J.P. Mangin

All of our customers are awesome. This year, we are excited to share their stories with you in this profile series. Our March customer profile is J.P. Mangin of Glaze Cafe Pottery in Canada. Let’s get to know him a better, shall we?

What made you join the Kult?
"The reason I joined the Kult is because of how you showcase your brand. It's creative and fun and makes you stand out in the crowd. I read reviews online about the taste, but all it takes is to let a customer smell a fresh bag and they are hooked."

What’s your favorite coffee?
"I proudly serve Eye Cracker straight or in lattés and cappuccino."

If you could only have one coffee drink on a deserted island, what would it be?
"Tough to say I would say straight double espresso in my Head Shot glass (second only to my new salted caramel white mocha but I think the milk would curdle on a deserted island)."

What’s your coffee (or life) motto?
"I can honestly say I don't have a life motto. After recently going into business on my own and opening my pottery painting café, it's the experience that I provide my clientele that sets me apart."